
Monday, May 31, 2021

amazing maths board

   Kia ora blogger,

Today i will be showing you my maths board. The question I did was 54+301= I found out that it eqals 355 by using many startergies. If you do not know how a maths board works you have a template with 4 squares with a box in the middle that says the question then 1 of the boxes says give a visual salutation where you work it out visually, a solve it numerically where you solve it normally, a write a word problem where you solve it in a word problem. Here is my maths board:

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Character Profile

Kia ora 

Welcome to my blog. Today I'm going to tell you about the 3 P's.

This week we have been learnt about Bullying Free eek. We learnt what bullying is and what's not bulling. This week to showcase my learning I made a poster about the 3 P's. 

I loved the way I showcased my learning this week because I spent a lot of time making it up to a good standard.

Next time I could do better at the content because I do't have much.

Can you tell me what the 3 p's are?

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Margaret mahy

Welcome to my blog to day I'm going to share my facts to you about Margaret Mahy Playground! 

Fact 1: Margaret Mahy playground has all sorts of stories in māori carved into the ground. 

Fact 2: During the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes it was pointed out that the playground was one of the most important things to bring back to the city.

Fact 3: When they were designing the playground the thought of making children more stronger and confident.

Have you ever been to Margaret Mahy? I have 

Friday, May 7, 2021


  KIA Ora and welcome back to term 2 for this year. 

This week I've my hub Is creating a graphic novel about the some articles there was one article called the poppies and there was another article that was about the Anzac war called Harry's war. 

I've created a graphic novel about poppies the Article. 

Great Gospel

 Kia ora 

 first I opend a goggle drawing in my writing folder the I found a pohto of graps then i put words on them and that is how i did it.